A downloadable virtual pet for Windows

This is my One-Game-A-Week #3. Since for Ludum Dare I prototyped a game I've wanted to make since I was a child, I did the same for this week's project! Qeebo is a semi-magical virtual pet who is very needy. You can pet him to make him happier, but if you don't give him attention for a little while he will grow quite sad.

That's all there is to it! I learned more about 3D this week, and also it was finals. So that is where my time went!

Next week I am making another 3D game, attempting to actually do the kart game I was going to do last week.

Keep up with my #OneGameAWeek projects and Game Jam games!


qeebo.zip 2.7 MB

Install instructions

You are downloading a zipped folder containing a runnable jar file called "qeebo.jar". If you are on 64-bit Windows and have the latest Java Runtime installed you should be able to run it.

If you have problems with downloading or running, or you are on a platform that isn't 64-bit Windows, get in touch with me at anthonybecker9 at gmail dot com.